Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Creatures of the dark Abyss

jesusspinzon.wordpress.comdumage.comtelegraph.co.ukCosmostv.orgmannaismayaadventure.wordpress.comTales of sea monsters have been told before recorded History.In the beginning these stories were
told by word of mouth.Later as man progressed they began to record the stories.
  My first encounter with sea monster stories was in grammer school.My teacher would read
them to our class.As I listen to the story I began to learn the orgin of these strange exciting tales
came from sailors or fishermen who saw or thought they saw a creature on the open seas.
I remember on of the first stories I heard was Moby Dick.The story of a giant white whale and
Captian Ahab.The captian's first meeting with the Moby Dick he bit off one leg and destroyed
his boat.After that Captian Ahab spent the rest of his time searching the seven seas looking for
the whale to get his revenge.
There is also the tale of Beautiful Mermaids.The first mention of these creatures was in Assyria ca
1000 B.C. They are said to be 2000 feet with the upper body of a woman and the lower body is
the tail of a fish.Mermaids would sing songs that is said to put a spell on men.Then the mermaids
would try to take them to their underwater kingdom to reproduce.Of course the men were just lead
to there deaths.
The Loch Ness Monster is another bizarre tale which over time has become famous.The Loch where
the creature is supposed to live is 24 miles long and in one area it's a half a mile wide.The normal
depth for the Loch is 445 feet deep but in some places it plunges to 1000 feet.The Loch has dangerous
currents and cold murky water.
The American and British Scientists claim they have found proof the sea  did extend into Loch Ness
at least twice in our history.The first time was after the Ice Age in Europe 125,000 years ago.Second
time was 12,800 years ago.This evidence was found through carbon dating and amino-acid testing
on the clay in the loch.The results show clams and sea urchin spines from both points in  history.
Therefore we must take in account that some of these sightings may have been possible it just could
be an animal that no one has ever seen in our time.The first sighting of a monster in Loch Ness was
in 565 A.D.The story goes Saint Columba saved a swimmer from a hungry monster in Ness River.
This story is written in "The Life of Saint Columba"in the seventh century.On April 14 of 1933 a
newly finished road was close to the edge of the Loch and Dumnadrochit Inn.The owners the
Mackays witnessed a large animal rolling and plunging in the Loch.They reported this to Alex
Cambel the guy who set regulations for salmon fishing in the loch.Due to this he has spent a lot of
time at the lochand says he has seen the monster numerous times.He said the creature has a long
tapering neck that was about 6 feet long a small head serpentine look and a large hump behind.
The first photo was taken in 1934 it was called"The Surgeons Photo" the image was a long thin neck
rising above the water connected to a hump shaped body.Christian Spurling who helped buld the
fake monster confessed to it right  before he died in 1993 at 90 years old.
  Another giant is The Kraken it is supposed to be as big as an island.It lives in the waters between
Iceland and Norway.Information suggests it did not attack ships the sheer force of it's tentacles in the
water created a whirlpool which pulled the ships down into the ocean.If it did grab a ship it had enough
power to drag it to the sea floor.Scientist seem to have found a giant lair that could have belonged to the Kraken.The findings show it like to eat Ichthyosaurus.First it would kill it then probably drowned or break it's neck before dragging it to it's lair.They say you can see signs of the
Kraken attacks from marks on the bones of the 45 feet Ichthyosaurus.The Kraken possibly lived
during the Triassic Peroid from 206 to 248 million years ago.Recent findings show it is possible
for an Octopus like creature to kill swimming reptiles.This conclusion came from seeing a large
octopus kill sharks.
These are just a few strange creatures that could have lived in our oceans depths from Millions
of years ago.They are supposed to be extinct or didn't exist at all but as you can see scientists are
finding more evidence every day to make me wonder was all these tall tales true?www.livescience.comwww.foxnews.comenwikipedia.comwww.friedpost.comtheshadowlands.net/serpent.htm

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