Thursday, November 17, 2011

Could Anomaly Be Connected to Subterranean City?

In 2007 after analyzing 600.000 seismograms Michael Wysession and his former student
Jesse Lawrence found evidence of a large body of water beneath Asia equilivent to the
Arctic Ocean.
I have to wonder if this could be a connection to the city of Agartha wich is said to exist
in the center of the earth.The Aghartheans fleed the surface of the earth due to Cataclysms
and wars.They were a superior race of 12 foot tall beings that were capable of manufacturing
Spaceships. There are several entrances to Agartha.
North and South Poles  Iquacu Falls  Mount Epomeo,Italy  Dero Caves  Rama,India
Border of Mongolia and China  Mammoth Cave,Kentucky  Himalayan Mountains,Tibet
Mount Shasta,California  Manus,Brazil  Mato Gross,Brazil  Morona Santiago,Equador King Solomon's Mines

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